I am on a journey of creativity to learn about how to be happy…

About Me

About Diane

The story of

Diane Dupree-Dempsey

Never really having grown up, I am still looking for magic in the world. That’s why I write Fantasy – fantasy: urban, time-travel, paranormal, and fantasies in other worlds.

My own personal fantasy is a road trip around the United States, visiting every state I have ever lived in – Arizona, Nebraska, Wyoming, New Mexico, California, and Oregon – And after that, to just keep going…

In the meantime, I live, semi-empty-nested in California’s Central Valley with my husband, my youngest son, his girlfriend, my grand-doggy, and three cats. My eldest son lives in So Cal where he works testing games in Virtual Reality. (Cool, right?)

I spend my days writing, sculpting, meditating, watching way too much YouTube and, oh yeah, playin’ my Ukulele!

Just for fun…


Here’s a short slideshow which will give you an idea about who I am and how goofy I can be.

Or you can check out my blog below!