Category News and Musings

Image of Mr. B kitten curled up in a ball

My very Busy May!

Meet Mr. B. “Busy” Business. My youngest son rescued him from a bird and he and his SO decided to take him on.

Poor thing was only two weeks old, blind, and sick. They did the bulk of the work, but as Grandma, I helped out. It was amazing to me how much work a tiny little guy like that can be! I haven’t gotten much done lately. (Hence the tardiness of this post.)

Mr. B. "Busy" Business

“Busy” Business snuggles down with his toy, looking deceptively innocent.

Early on Busy was syringe fed…

Later on, a very healthy Busy shows a vicious flip flop who is boss!

In other news, book three is in edit mode. I promise this book will be out this year!


Artificial Intelligence & Leprechauns

Greetings fellow humans and others,

Maybe I am just a confused old broad, but sometimes I think the world is spinning faster than I can keep up with. What’s got my brain spinning as fast as the planet these days is Artificial Intelligence, more specifically ChatGPT. For the record, I know ChatGPT4 is out, but let me finish wrapping my head around the basic ChatGPT first.

I’d been hearing a lot of headline-grabbing stuff about ChatGPT. Depending on the source the headlines were dire warnings about the future or bold claims about making the big bucks using ChatGPT. For what’s its worth, there is truth in both directions. AI is going to change the world for good or ill. I say for good or ill because AI is here and it ain’t going anywhere. I have spent some time playing with ChatGPT and I tell you, I am hooked on its potential and terrified of it at the same time.

As a writer, I love the idea of having “someone” to brainstorm with, and yeah, some help outlining would be great, but where does it stop? The article below was written by ChatGPT prompted by me. This was not the first version of the article, but the third or fourth iteration after additional prompting. And of course, going into it you know it was written by AI so you might be ready to hate the article. I understand that. But, do me a favor, and ask yourself, as you read this, would you have known if I had not told you? I think there are some rough spots in the article, but if I’d done just a bit of editing…

As I said, excited and terrified all at the same time. Let me know what you think.

The Elusive and Eccentric Leprechauns: Fact or Fiction?

Salutations! Gaze upon the mysterious and unpredictable leprechaun. These pint-sized individuals bear resemblance to ornery senior citizens with a fondness for emerald shades and an inclination for abruptly evaporating into the atmosphere. Their miraculous talents encompass the manipulation of atmospheric conditions and the granting of wishes to anyone who manages to apprehend them.

According to lore, leprechauns conceal vessels overflowing with gold at the extremity of rainbows. But honestly, why yearn for riches when you can procure a pair of enchanted leprechaun footwear? These wily shoemakers wield the ability to manufacture shoes so rapidly that it would leave you speechless.

However, ensnaring a leprechaun is a formidable feat. They move with celerity comparable to that of lightning and can instantly vanish before your very eyes. Furthermore, their temperaments are infamous for being as fiery as dragon’s breath, so prepare for an uphill battle.

Despite their elusive nature, leprechauns have become synonymous with Ireland and are frequently affiliated with St. Patrick’s Day. If you’re not sporting green apparel on this festive day, don’t be surprised if you receive a pinch from one of these impish creatures. So, don’t forget to flaunt your most vibrant and gaudy green garments, or suffer the consequences.

To conclude, leprechauns may appear as cranky beings equipped with supernatural abilities, but they’ve undeniably captivated the hearts and psyches of individuals worldwide. Don’t anticipate catching one any time soon, as they’re too busy creating footwear and wreaking havoc.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the world of leprechauns, exploring their mischievous nature and their magical abilities. These elusive beings are renowned for their pranks and tricks, which range from harmless jokes to catastrophic catastrophes.
Their supernatural abilities include controlling the weather, causing natural disasters, and even time travel. These feats may sound far-fetched, but legends and myths suggest that leprechauns are indeed capable of such phenomena. However, they’re more likely to use their powers to cause mischief and mayhem rather than to aid humanity.

One of their favorite pastimes is hiding items or playing games with unsuspecting humans. If you’ve ever misplaced an object, chances are a leprechaun has snatched it and hidden it somewhere. They love to play games such as “leprechaun tag,” which involves chasing and catching the mischievous creatures.
Furthermore, leprechauns are notorious for their love of gold and their unwillingness to share it. If you do manage to catch one, be prepared for a tricky negotiation. They may grant you a wish, but it’s likely that they’ll find a way to twist it to their advantage.

As previously mentioned, leprechauns are synonymous with Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day. However, their origins are still a topic of debate among scholars and enthusiasts. Some believe that they’re descended from the Tuatha Dé Danann, a race of supernatural beings in Irish mythology. Others suggest that they’re the result of a fusion of Celtic and Norse folklore.

Whatever their origins, there’s no denying that leprechauns have become an integral part of Irish culture and heritage. They’re often depicted in literature, film, and television, and their influence extends far beyond Ireland’s borders.
In conclusion, leprechauns are more than just mischievous little beings who create shoes and cause trouble. They possess an array of supernatural abilities and are capable of feats beyond our wildest imagination. However, catching one is no easy task, and even if you do manage to capture one, be prepared for a challenging negotiation. So, the next time you’re searching for your lost keys or playing a game of hide and seek, keep an eye out for any signs of leprechaun activity. Who knows, you might just stumble upon a pot of gold or a pair of enchanted shoes.

One thing is for sure, the perplexing and bursty nature of leprechaun folklore has captivated people’s imagination for centuries. From the tales of their elusive nature to the magical powers they possess, the stories of leprechauns have been passed down from generation to generation. And as we continue to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and all things Irish, the legend of the leprechaun remains as strong as ever.

But what if the tales of leprechauns are not just mere folklore, but a reality we’ve yet to fully comprehend? Could it be that these tiny beings exist in a parallel universe, only revealing themselves to those with a pure heart and a keen eye?
Perhaps it’s time we open our minds to the possibility of a world beyond our own, a world where leprechauns roam free and magic is not just a figment of our imagination. Who knows what wonders await us if we take that first step into the unknown?

In conclusion, leprechauns are more than just mythical creatures from Irish folklore. They represent a world of magic and wonder, a world beyond our own. So, the next time you see a rainbow or catch a glimpse of something fleeting out of the corner of your eye, remember that it could just be a mischievous leprechaun, up to their old tricks again. And who knows, you might just be lucky enough to catch one and uncover the secrets of their magical world.

Fall leaves

My Sister’s Gift to Me – So Special!!!

In September 2022, I visited my sister Barbara for two weeks. Turns out, we found one or two things to talk about. One of those things was travel. I talked about wanting a van or trailer so hubby and I can wander the country. Barbara gave me that trailer. She bought a kit for a miniature Tear Drop Trailer. She then threw out most of the design ideas which came with it and created her own.

Every item in the trailer has a story for me. The ukulele in the corner was modeled after one of my own. The photos are of me and my family. The painting on the wall is a copy of a painting my sister did of the house we grew up in. The books even have stories behind them! My sister Barbara created a world for me to live in and travel the country in my imagination. It is such a cozy little world, so uniquely mine and so sweetly connected to its creator, my amazing sister Barbara.

A closer look at the cozy little home on wheels.
Family photos and the family farm house.
Christmas decorations!
And we’re ready to get hitched up and head out!
Around to the front for the trailer hitch and some storage.
More family pictures. (The wedding pix is me and my older bro.)
Open wide and peek inside.
And to the back door.
Even an authentic looking license plate!
The back of the trailer.
I can do a little writing on my laptop or play my uke before we curl up in bed.
book stacks

Confessions of a fumbling author…

Well, that’s not a melodramatic title. But I have been fumbling as an author. Mind you, I haven’t fumbled the third book in my Guardians of the Fey trilogy. I have been working on the book consistently, but more on that in a moment. Where I have been tripping up is with the “other stuff”.

As a modern-day indie author, there are many things I am supposed to do beyond writing my books. I am meant to have an “author platform” and to build an email list of fans who will love my writing. Then there’s social media where I should be posting consistently so more potential readers will find my books. Frankly, so far, I suck at this part of being a writer.

I do have an email list, all lovely people who have supported me and my books with their time and energy, and I have certainly dropped the ball on emailing these wonderful folks. I have had a difficult time figuring out what to say in an email to my readers. How many ways are there to say, “Still working on it. Turned out to be trick-sier than I thought”?

But, with a New Year’s resolution turned plan, I intend to be more supportive of my readers this year. I will be reaching out to my list at least once a month. I owe my readers that for their interest in my worlds. Luckily, I have a decent track record with NY resolutions, so I am confident I will follow through.

While ruminating about having let my readers down, I finally figured out why I have struggled so much with my third book.

I have not had writer’s block, rather, I have struggled with too many subplots and waffle-y story-lines. I thought it was just overzealousness since this is the final book. My desire to use every idea I’d ever had did come into play. However, it finally struck me that the real problem I had was trying to second-guess what my readers might want to happen.

One day, some time back, one of my readers gave me a lovely compliment about one of my characters. This reader then expressed their desire for that character’s story-line to go in a specific direction. But that was not where the dude was headed.

What if I was wrong? What if dude should go that way? And my monkey mind was off to the races. No character’s story arc was safe from my “what ifs?”.

So in went every plot line ever, plus the kitchen sink. The first draft was a bloated, long overdue mess and I admit to a certain sense of despair as I read my words. So…many…words…

The surgery is ongoing in the second draft, and I am hopeful of success. I have accepted my readers might not prefer some or all of the directions my stories go, but ultimately it’s kind of up to the characters where they end up—well, with a nudge or two from me.

Evening outdoor party

Party Time? Back to the new normal?

I was supposed to go hiking today. I was going to go with two of my favorite people on the planet — peeps I hadn’t seen in waaay too long — I was excited.

Yet this morning, I called and postponed. I am not ill, though I feel like crap. I didn’t break a leg or have a tragedy befall me. What I also didn’t do was sleep last night.

Insomnia of a sort, isn’t entirely unknown to me, but last night I didn’t sleep till after four and woke up around five — that is unusual. Normally, if I have trouble, I fall asleep around two or three, then sleep in till seven. One hour of sleep has left me feeling like that thing the cat hacked up (which I really don’t want to clean up.)

And I am embarrassed by this. Embarrassed to have to postpone over what seems like a wimpy reason. I am also embarrassed by not having slept as if I see it as some kind of weakness.


The thing is, everyone has a night like this once in a while. Why I should be embarrassed? I really do not know – I need to forget about feeling silly and figure out why I didn’t feel sleepy.

I am sensing anxiety in myself. Was this triggered by laying there watching the clock tick over, knowing I was supposed to get up and drive somewhere? Or was anxiety the cause of me not sleeping in the first place? DK.

Looking back, I did have caffeine later in the day yesterday than I usually do. Noon is my cut-off, but I recall swigging down the last quarter cup of my tea yesterday, only to glance at the clock and realize it was past noon. Was that truly enough to cause a sleepless night?

Honestly, I will never know without testing and I am not going to drink tea past noon just to check it out.

But it bears looking at, what could I be feeling anxious about? What other things were in place that might have contributed to the insomnia?

Could it just possibly have been fear of my upcoming social activity?

I am an introvert and yet even I am feeling the need to be around people after having hung close to home for so long. While I am not really eager to be getting out and hanging with big groups, I was really looking forward to being with two wonderful friends. So why would that set me off?

Perhaps because I have a very real concern about getting caught up in going places. I do want to see more friends and family but in small groups. This wasn’t a party; I was going hiking.

Maybe, I was seeing the hike as a beginning, as indeed it is. I am going to a party tomorrow night, and there have been other invitations. Most insidious of all, I find myself thinking things like, “We should invite so-and-so for dinner. We need to reconnect after all”. The thing is, there are lots of so-and-so’s out there. It is my own mind that is pushing me toward being social, at the same time I really don’t want to add so many activities to my calendar. I remember the pre-pandemic days when my months would be chewed away with an event here, a party there, lunch or dinner with this friend or that. All wonderful and fun things, but I hated being that busy and I have no desire to go that direction again.

Is that what is at the bottom of my anxiety and sleepless night? Fear of the flood gates I myself am beginning to push open?

P.S. I wrote the first part of this post on Thursday. In the meantime, I have gotten some sleep – Yay! – and have gone to my party. The party last night was wonderful! Granted it was a small group consisting of some of my oldest and dearest friends. You know, people I’ve known for thirty/thirty-five years, so being with them was always going to be great. After the last year it just felt amazing to be with other people!

The long and short is, still riding the high of being with friends last night, I reached out to a couple of people today and made lunch plans. The flood gates are beginning to creak open!

Come to think of it, last night was a potluck and I have a lot of strawberry shortcake left, maybe we should invite…

Cherry blossoms

The times we’re living in …

It’s almost April. My Dad’s birthday was April 5 and, if he were still alive, he would be one hundred years old this year. Now here’s the thing, a couple of years ago, on Pearl Harbor Day, I made a post on Instagram and Facebook about my Dad being a Pearl Harbor Survivor. I had relatives respond with variations on the theme, “gee I wish I had heard his story about that day.” Since I did hear his story, I wrote a speech about that day titled “Pearl Harbor a Secondhand Memory”. I not only used the story Dad had told me, but I talked to my Mom, my sister, and my two younger brothers for their versions of Dad’s story. I also did some research about his ship, the USS Hulbert.

It was one of my best-received speeches. I even used it as a target speech for the District 39 Speech Evaluation Contest one year. It made a woman in the audience cry. I was and am proud of that speech.

My mom loved the speech and wanted me to share it with my siblings. This year, I thought I would record the speech and post it online for my family and friends. I know a lot of them would want to hear Dad’s story.

And then I thought again.

What a wildly inappropriate time in history for me to tell that particular story, don’t ya think? With violence against Asians of all nationalities on an upswing it would be incredibly tone-deaf of me to put a story about the attack on Peal Harbor out front and center in my little social media feed.

I am grateful I caught myself in time. Grateful that I didn’t post something that had potential to contribute to the ill feelings swirling around because of Covid. Feelings, I might add that were exacerbated by our former president and many other politicians. I am certain my self-censorship is the right thing to do at this moment in time.

I do think I will make the story available to some family and friends in a private way, but I have to wonder, will there ever be a right time for me to tell Dad’s story to the world at large? It may be that that window has closed. As proud as I am of w my Dad was, it just might be time to let his past remain in the past.

My Dad during World War II
Typing at a laptop

Diane Natters On

Happy Wednesday World –

It is midway through the week and I have just spent a cold, rainy day, sitting by the fire editing Beggar’s Gate – Book Two: Guardians of the Fey. It is exciting to be making progress and I am hoping to send the second book on to my Beta Readers soon.

Writing a second book is an interesting experience. Somehow, I suppose I had imagined it would be just continuing on with the story from the first book, and it is, but it also isn’t. Book one finished a story but opened the door for a new one to be told. Yes, yes, all that is obvious, but I have never gone from “The End” to a whole new tale before. It’s rather fun.

Spring is almost here and I think many of us are feeling a little more optimistic these days. I am hoping I will soon be getting my “Fauci ouchie” — to steal a phrase I heard on NPR. The vaccines may get the world back on a more normal footing, but I have to wonder what changes will linger on. What is “normal” really going to look like?

Soon the warm weather will come and I will be spending my time outside in my Sky Chair, playing my Ukulele, and focusing on book three, but for a little longer, I will be sipping my tea by the fire and editing.

Take Care,
