Category Guardians of the Fey Series

Available Now: Beggar’s Gate

Beggar’s Gate

Book Two: Guardians of the Fey

Available now!
Cover of Book Two: Beggar's Gate
Beggar’s Gate Book Two: Guardians of the Fey is available now on Amazon!

In a race against time, Sio must untangle myth from reality, or lose those she loves most!

Sio, Rose, and Mavek, Guardians of the exiled Prince of Faerie, saved their prince and reunited with their leader Glenn Dannon. Together again, in a primitive world with plenty of magic potentials, plans are being made to take back the throne of Faerie.

But Sio wants out. Happy that she didn’t actually kill Glenn Dannon, she still can’t forgive him for meddling with her mind. She’s also done with Prince Justin and talk of war. Not even sure he’s fit to be king, Sio knows she doesn’t want to fight to put him on the throne.

But going means abandoning Rose and Mavek. It’s a one-way trip — Can she really leave them both behind?

Fate and an unknown enemy take the decision out of Sio’s hands when sabotage leaves her racing against time to save her friends. Can she unravel the legends to find a path to their salvation or will she lose them forever?

Beggar’s Gate is the second book in my fantasy series Guardians of the Fey. Available now in paperback or e-book!

Get your copy now!
Books One and Two Guardians of the Fey
Guardians of the Fey!

Wait, what? You haven’t read book one yet?

No problem! Broken Circles – Book One: Guardians of the Fey is also available on Amazon! Available as paperback or e-book. Click here and let the adventures begin!

Book two will be here soon – Did you read book one?

Book Two: Beggar's Gate

Beggar’s Gate – Book Two: Guardians of the Fey

Will be available from Amazon on June 27, 2021!!!

To celebrate and make sure we’re all prepared for the launch of Beggar’s Gate, the ebook version of Broken Circles – Book One: Guardians of the Fey is going onto a Kindle Count Down sale beginning May 29th when it will be on sale for $.99, the price will go up to $1.99 on May 31st, to 2.99 on June 2nd and finally back to its regular price of 3.99 on June 4th. Don’t miss this chance to read how the story started, before the next adventure begins!