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Image of Mr. B kitten curled up in a ball

My very Busy May!

Meet Mr. B. “Busy” Business. My youngest son rescued him from a bird and he and his SO decided to take him on. Poor thing was only two weeks old, blind, and sick. They did the bulk of the work, but as Grandma, I helped out. It was amazing to me how much work a tiny little guy like that…

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Artificial Intelligence & Leprechauns

Greetings fellow humans and others, Maybe I am just a confused old broad, but sometimes I think the world is spinning faster than I can keep up with. What’s got my brain spinning as fast as the planet these days is Artificial Intelligence, more specifically ChatGPT. For the record, I know ChatGPT4 is out, but let me finish wrapping my…

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Fall leaves

My Sister’s Gift to Me – So Special!!!

In September 2022, I visited my sister Barbara for two weeks. Turns out, we found one or two things to talk about. One of those things was travel. I talked about wanting a van or trailer so hubby and I can wander the country. Barbara gave me that trailer. She bought a kit for a miniature Tear Drop Trailer. She…

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book stacks

Confessions of a fumbling author…

Well, that’s not a melodramatic title. But I have been fumbling as an author. Mind you, I haven’t fumbled the third book in my Guardians of the Fey trilogy. I have been working on the book consistently, but more on that in a moment. Where I have been tripping up is with the “other stuff”. As a modern-day indie author,…

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