Book two will be here soon – Did you read book one?

Book Two: Beggar's Gate

Beggar’s Gate – Book Two: Guardians of the Fey

Will be available from Amazon on June 27, 2021!!!

To celebrate and make sure we’re all prepared for the launch of Beggar’s Gate, the ebook version of Broken Circles – Book One: Guardians of the Fey is going onto a Kindle Count Down sale beginning May 29th when it will be on sale for $.99, the price will go up to $1.99 on May 31st, to 2.99 on June 2nd and finally back to its regular price of 3.99 on June 4th. Don’t miss this chance to read how the story started, before the next adventure begins!

Diane Dupree-Dempsey
Diane Dupree-Dempsey

The indie-author thing happened just in time. At sixty, I finally know what I want to do when I grow up. I am currently writing an Urban Fantasy with a time-travel component.

My journey into the world of indie just began a year ago, so I haven't got much to show for myself yet, but I am having a great time. It will be interesting to see what lessons I learn, who I might meet and what stories I might end up telling.


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