Month April 2023

Cat sitting by a Ukelele

Feeding the creative soul…

As a fantasy writer, I often need to fill my creative tank before I can write more. Luckily for me, we were at a pre-Christmas family gathering a few years back. My husband’s ex-step-dad brought out his latest acquisition, a red Ukulele. He didn’t even show me the thing, but I fell in love that night.

Later I asked my husband for a Ukulele for Christmas. He looked at me confused and said, “Seriously?” It took some convincing, but he finally believed me and my life has never been the same.

Okay, I am never going to be on stage with Jake Shimabukuro, but I do love to play. I don’t think I’ll embarrass myself too badly these days, so I am finally ready to be brave and share my joy.

Diane plays John Lennon’s “Imagine”: