Month February 2023

Fall leaves

My Sister’s Gift to Me – So Special!!!

In September 2022, I visited my sister Barbara for two weeks. Turns out, we found one or two things to talk about. One of those things was travel. I talked about wanting a van or trailer so hubby and I can wander the country. Barbara gave me that trailer. She bought a kit for a miniature Tear Drop Trailer. She then threw out most of the design ideas which came with it and created her own.

Every item in the trailer has a story for me. The ukulele in the corner was modeled after one of my own. The photos are of me and my family. The painting on the wall is a copy of a painting my sister did of the house we grew up in. The books even have stories behind them! My sister Barbara created a world for me to live in and travel the country in my imagination. It is such a cozy little world, so uniquely mine and so sweetly connected to its creator, my amazing sister Barbara.

A closer look at the cozy little home on wheels.
Family photos and the family farm house.
Christmas decorations!
And we’re ready to get hitched up and head out!
Around to the front for the trailer hitch and some storage.
More family pictures. (The wedding pix is me and my older bro.)
Open wide and peek inside.
And to the back door.
Even an authentic looking license plate!
The back of the trailer.
I can do a little writing on my laptop or play my uke before we curl up in bed.