Diane Natters On

Happy Wednesday World –

It is midway through the week and I have just spent a cold, rainy day, sitting by the fire editing Beggar’s Gate – Book Two: Guardians of the Fey. It is exciting to be making progress and I am hoping to send the second book on to my Beta Readers soon.

Writing a second book is an interesting experience. Somehow, I suppose I had imagined it would be just continuing on with the story from the first book, and it is, but it also isn’t. Book one finished a story but opened the door for a new one to be told. Yes, yes, all that is obvious, but I have never gone from “The End” to a whole new tale before. It’s rather fun.

Spring is almost here and I think many of us are feeling a little more optimistic these days. I am hoping I will soon be getting my “Fauci ouchie” — to steal a phrase I heard on NPR. The vaccines may get the world back on a more normal footing, but I have to wonder what changes will linger on. What is “normal” really going to look like?

Soon the warm weather will come and I will be spending my time outside in my Sky Chair, playing my Ukulele, and focusing on book three, but for a little longer, I will be sipping my tea by the fire and editing.

Take Care,


Diane Dupree-Dempsey
Diane Dupree-Dempsey

The indie-author thing happened just in time. At sixty, I finally know what I want to do when I grow up. I am currently writing an Urban Fantasy with a time-travel component.

My journey into the world of indie just began a year ago, so I haven't got much to show for myself yet, but I am having a great time. It will be interesting to see what lessons I learn, who I might meet and what stories I might end up telling.