Review – L. R. Braden’s “A Drop of Magic”

I enjoyed A Drop of Magic. I have also read book two in the series and am partway through the third one, so I would have to say the author is doing something right.

The world of these books starts with magic and the Fae as something everyone knows about, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other discoveries for the protagonist Alex Blackwood to discover along the way.

Do you like Magic? Fairies? Mysterious happenings? If so, I would say you will find this series an interesting and fun one.

A Drop of Magic Cover
Diane Dupree-Dempsey
Diane Dupree-Dempsey

The indie-author thing happened just in time. At sixty, I finally know what I want to do when I grow up. I am currently writing an Urban Fantasy with a time-travel component.

My journey into the world of indie just began a year ago, so I haven't got much to show for myself yet, but I am having a great time. It will be interesting to see what lessons I learn, who I might meet and what stories I might end up telling.