Month April 2017


Review – Anne McCaffrey’s “The Ship Who Sang”

Review of: The Ship Who Sang

By: Anne McCaffrey

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I adored The Ship Who Sang when I read it twenty or thirty years ago. I have a paperback copy that is pretty warn out. It has been so long ago I can’t give a detailed review of the book. I will say there was something very unique and special about the book. It charmed me. I am a fan of Anne McCaffrey’s, though I will admit to not preferring some of her books. For every book I was meh-ish on, there were at least one and a half I loved. I would recommend this book. The book was not a Brainship #1 when I read it so I don’t know the rest of the series. The e-book price is too high though. I’m just sayin’…

Anne McCaffrey's The Ship Who Sang
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